Dana 50 service manual
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Dana light axle service manual - Pirate4x4.Com. 229 (50) .750-16 160-500 (217-678) Collapsible Spacer 1 186 (Super 30) .437-14 35-50 (47-68) Grade 8.Torque must be between 20 to 50 lbs. in. If the torque recorded is not within the specified torque, the pinion spacer must be changed. Repeat Steps 6-17. The service procedures recommended and described in this service manual are Dana makes no warranty or representation D-115-50-3 Master Pinion Block. Service Manual - Dana Corporation. Published by Guset User, 2015-08-21 21:50:02. Description: Parts Exploded View D46-170 D52-190DP D46-170(P) D52-590P 9. Retighten the inner nut to 50 lbs. ft. (68 N•m) while rotating the wheel hub. 10. Back off Step (50) Using an in. lb. torque e wrench as shown, rotate pinion and differential assembly, Torque reading should be within specifi ication. If preload is to
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